Week 5: Reinvest
Your time
Your talent
Your treasure
Three pillars that hold the foundation to your character- your being.
We’ve all made choices about how to use our time, how to use our talents, and where to spend our treasure.
It’s time to REINVEST, though; to pause and take stock in where your time, talent, and treasure lie, and to reconsider how reinvesting could change your future, and your community’s future.
At Your Local Y
- Ask your Welcome Center about available volunteer opportunities
- Group Exercise Class, Fitness Center, Swim – 30 minutes
Online or At Home
- Volunteer for an organization with your unique skills
- Consider reinvesting in your Y
- Pick up trash on a walking route
- Shovel a neighbor’s sidewalk
- Try On-Demand fitness
Strong Mindfulness
- Week 5: Reset Goals Meditation w/ coach Stacey
- StrongSpirit work or mindfulness on theWell.com
- Write your goals on the tracking sheet (below) and place it somewhere as a reminder (bathroom mirror).
- Find an accountability buddy to provide motivation.
- Join the Strong Facebook Community Group and share your journey with others!