Week 4: Replay
When’s the last time you did the hokey-pokey, used a jump rope, or sat ‘Criss-Cross-Applesauce’ on the ground and combed a doll’s hair?
When’s the last time you did a puzzle, shuffled a deck of cards, or played with Legos?
Your paint set is dusty, your crochet hook is lonely, your wood-working is idol… it’s time to PLAY.
When we intentionally choose to PLAY, we engage our inner-child… the gentle, fun-loving, easy-going self that is under all those layers of work, chores, screens, and...adulting!
It’s time to replay the best parts of our childhood, bring back old joys, and find new ones as well!
Find ways to fit FUN into your week along with past week goals.
Tracking SheetAt Your Local Y
- Use Open Swim or Open Gym time
- Group Exercise Class, Fitness Center, Swim – 30 minutes
Online or At Home
- “Play” List activity ideas
- Family Obstacle Course
- Try On-Demand fitness
Strong Mindfulness
- Week 4: Reset Goals Meditation w/ coach Stacey
- StrongSpirit work or mindfulness on theWell.com
- Write your goals on the tracking sheet (below) and place it somewhere as a reminder (bathroom mirror).
- Find an accountability buddy to provide motivation.
- Join the Strong Facebook Community Group and share your journey with others!