Week 1: Time For a Reset

“Have you tried turning it off and turning it back on?” The easiest answer to every tech glitch, right? And, after the eye-roll, and the flip of a switch, it sometimes strangely works!

But what happens when you glitch? When your body’s hardware is burdened, slow, and endlessly spinning? When your mind, body, and spirit are stuck in strange patterns; patterns that are unhealthy and glitchy?

RESET will help you fix your glitches. It will give you tools to power you ‘off’ and turn you back on to help restore and reset your hardware.

Hit the RESET button on your life; start over, and discover your God-given potential again!


This week we will begin our journey of finding 150 minutes a week to be active and RESET
Tracking Sheet

At Your Local Y

  • Group Exercise Class, Fitness Center, Swim – 30 minutes

Online or At Home

  • Five days with 30 minutes of physical activity
  • Try our On-Demand fitness videos

Strong Mindfulness

Local Y Activities. Click the button below to find Your Y on the map.


  1. Write your goals on the tracking sheet (below) and place it somewhere as a reminder (bathroom mirror).
  2. Find an accountability buddy to provide motivation.
  3. Join the Strong Facebook Community Group and share your journey with others!
Tracking Sheet Strong Community
The Strong Life